Category: Events

  • DOB General Meeting

    Come along for a chat about what we are doing and where we are going. This is your chance to have your say and ask any questions.

  • Day Ride – Bilpin

    To: Bilpin Departure Time: 10am Meeting Point: Stanmore McDonalds Ride Leaders: Karen (Coops) 0422 009 937 Information: We’re riding out to Bilpin. Why? Why not? Please Bring: Money for lunch & petrol. Wet Weather Alternatives: Lunch somewhere nice. Call Coops on the day.

  • DOB Camping Weekend

    To: Moonan Flat on the Hunter River Departure Time: 8.30am Meeting Point: Stanmore McDonalds Ride Leaders: Jenny 0405 352 364 Information: Quick before the weather starts getting too cold it’s time to sneak in a quick camping trip. We’ll be heading out of Sydney and off to Moonan Flat. This is located on the Hunter…